Keynote Concerts

Let us inspire and entertain you!

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We’d Love To Write YOUR Song!

Give the gift that they’ll never forget when you commission an original song for your loved one, a special event, or your favorite organization!

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Keynote Presentations

We combine speaking with original live music to deliver inspirational and entertaining “Keynote Concerts.”

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Ordinary Life

Our latest album celebrating the beauty of this amazing, heartbreaking, soul-healing ordinary life…

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“Talk about inspirational speakers! Your sophisticated and soul-energizing presentations are filled with grace, compassion and humor. You resonate with the heart and soul of your audience.”

~ Bonnie Reule – Mgr. Profess. Develop., American Business Woman’s Assn.

“Divine Therapy”

“Fasten your seatbelts for an unforgettable trip—one which includes belly laughter, tears, gratitude and amazement. …their music heals at soul depth!” ~Carole Mahaffey – Middletown KY

So Moved By Your Music!

Thank you a million times for the blessings I received from your soul-stirring music and messages. You are truly a beautiful gift from God.

With love, Pat

Thank you, StoweGood!

Joyous, celebratory, spiritual, soul touching and foot stomping fun!

Karen and Stowe were such gracious guest artists; we can’t wait to have them back. One word of advice – have your tissues ready for there will be free flowing tears of joy and heart touching memories.

Jay Hand, Chicago IL



The StoweGood experience!

“Give yourself the gift of the StoweGood experience!  With my whole heart I recommend them to your ministries and conferences.”

~ Rev. Mark Fuss, Kansas City, MO

I Love Your Music!

You guys are stars in the BEST and HIGHEST place there is. 

Love from the UK! 
