Keynote Concerts

Let us inspire and entertain you!

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We’d Love To Write YOUR Song!

Give the gift that they’ll never forget when you commission an original song for your loved one, a special event, or your favorite organization!

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Keynote Presentations

We combine speaking with original live music to deliver inspirational and entertaining “Keynote Concerts.”

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Ordinary Life

Our latest album celebrating the beauty of this amazing, heartbreaking, soul-healing ordinary life…

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StoweGood In Concert

“There wasn’t a part of me that wasn’t touched.”

-Shirley Holt

“Talk about inspirational speakers! Your sophisticated and soul-energizing presentations are filled with grace, compassion and humor. You resonate with the heart and soul of your audience.”

~ Bonnie Reule – Mgr. Profess. Develop., American Business Woman’s Assn.

Love Lives On CD

I haven’t taken your cd out of my player since I got it. Loving it so much!

~ L. Ramirez

The StoweGood experience!

“Give yourself the gift of the StoweGood experience!  With my whole heart I recommend them to your ministries and conferences.”

~ Rev. Mark Fuss, Kansas City, MO

I Love Your Music!

You guys are stars in the BEST and HIGHEST place there is. 

Love from the UK! 


Overwhelmed with Love & Joy!

StoweGood’s recent appearance was such a giant blessing to all who attended. It was more than a musical “concert”—it was an EXPERIENCE!

~ Terry Lund, Las Cruces NM