2-22-22 StoweGood Concert

Karen: The number 22 has been so weirdly important in my life. I was born on 12/22. My daughter was born on 7/22. My Mama died on 1/22, my phone number ends in 1111, and EVERY time I look at a clock, it’s 11:11!! Some people say that encountering the number 22 means your angels are with you and offering their strongest support and helping you to achieve “impossible” things!
Stowe: I’ve read that the number 22 is considered one of the most powerful numbers, able to turn all dreams and desires into reality. Yeah, baby! We would like to work “in concert” with your Angels. So many of our songs are all about our dreams and desires, and achieving “impossible” things. So, won’t you allow us to sing to your souls on this most powerful date?
Join us at 7:22 CST
Originally, we were going to have everyone buy tickets, but then something amazing happened! One of our beloved fans wants as many people as possible to be able to join us on the 22nd, so she has offered to pay for everyone! Please sign up below to receive the link to join us for the show!